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A scrambling or occasionally twining herb or sub-shrub. Leaves are trifoliate, composed of three oval-shaped leaflets. These may taper to a point or remain broad. Leaflet surfaces usually hairless. Flowers are typical ëpeaí flowers of dark blue or purple. Flowers are followed by short, relatively broad, straight or slightly curved pods. Usually less than 6 seeds per pod. These are dark and firm at maturity, but more rounded than G. clandestina.
Seed is protected by a thick seed coat which must be broken prior to germination. This can be done by manually nicking the coat or by soaking the seed in near-boiling water. The best results are usually obtained by nicking. Success from cuttings has also been reported.
Year round. Chiefly August to October.
Less common than G. clandestina, which it most resembles. Notable populations include Willans Hill and roadsides west of Wagga Wagga (e.g. Tooyal School Rd). Occasionally seen growing over fences.

Based on the flora of the Graham Centre Biodiversity Nursery