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A widely distributed species displaying considerable variation across its range. Local forms are typically shrubs of 2-3 metres in height with narrow, curved ëleavesí (phyllodes). Phyllodes in this species are typically double-veined, though the narrower phyllodes may appear to have only single vein. The phyllodes are often sticky and have a varnished appearance, created by resin glands which dot the surface. The globular yellow flower heads occur singly or in small groups on stalks at the base of each phyllode. These are followed by long, narrow pods which become leathery or papery at maturity.
Seed is protected by a hard seed coat which must be broken (either by nicking, abrading, or soaking briefly in near-boiling water) before it will germinate. Germinates readily after treatment. May also grow from cuttings.
Chiefly August to October, occasionally to November.
The Rock NR, The Rock TSR, Kapooka, Junee Reefs Rd, Livingstone NP.

Based on the flora of the Graham Centre Biodiversity Nursery