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A fast-growing, upright, many-stemmed forb to 1 metre in height and occasionally more. Leaves reach 12 centimetres in length and consist of 6-10 pairs of narrow leaflets. The largest leaflets may reach 5 cm in length. Bright yellow flowers are carried in small clusters on stalks near the upper leaves. These are produced sequentially over a long flowering period and are followed by long (~5 cm), slightly curved pods which ripen to dark brown. Seeds are brown and irregular in shape. Owing to the long flowering period, flowers, unripe pods and ripe pods often occur concurrently.
Seed is protected by a thick seed coat which must be broken prior to germination. This can be done by manually nicking the coat or by soaking the seed in near-boiling water. Seed germinates swiftly after treatment. Nicking is expected to achieve better results than boiling.
Chiefly November to February, though flowers may persist into late autumn.
Occurs sporadically along train tracks from The Rock to Bethungra. A spreading, potentially weedy species.

Based on the flora of the Graham Centre Biodiversity Nursery