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Familiar ‘paper daisy’ of woodlands and roadsides. A large, many-stemmed forb reaching 80 centimetres in height, with narrow, sticky leaves to 8 cm in length. Flower heads are produced singly or in small groups at the ends of the flower stems. The individual flowers (‘florets’) make up the orange centre of the head; these are surrounded by bright yellow, papery bracts. The flowers give way to small, brown seeds, each with a plume of fine hairs. These enable the seed to be dispersed by wind. Bracts often persist long after the seeds have shed.
Germinates without pre-treatment, but large quantities of seed may be needed. Success has been reported from cuttings.
Spring through to autumn. Most seed is shed in summer, but some flowering continues afterwards.
Most common in the centre of the Wagga Wagga region (e.g. Willans Hill, Pomingalarna), where it is often dominant. Less common in the east and west of the region, though populations do occur. Also Livingstone NP.

Based on the flora of the Graham Centre Biodiversity Nursery