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A grass-like, tussocky herb with upright or strappy leaves, which are usually less than 40 centimetres in length, though do occasionally reach 90 cm. Leaves are smooth, linear, often slightly concave or convex, and green or greyish green in colour. Flowers are creamy yellow and occur in clusters on small flower spikes. Though a small plant, many-flowered mat-rush can produce spectacular floral displays in season. Male and female flowers are carried on separate plants and differ in some characteristics.
Seeds germinate without pre-treatment but germination may take 2 to 3 months. Can also be propagated by dividing existing clumps.
Primarily June to November, but flowers have been observed throughout the year.
A common component of open woodland and grassland near Wagga Wagga. Populations occur on Willans Hill, in most local reserves and in well-preserved roadsides.

Based on the flora of the Graham Centre Biodiversity Nursery