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An upright shrub or tree reaching 8 metres in height, though 3-5 m is more common. The ‘leaves’ (phyllodes) are large (8-20 centimetres in length), broadly sickle-shaped or rounded and often quite dark. The large, globular, golden-yellow flower heads are produced in dense clusters and often provide a spectacular display. These are followed by long, mostly straight pods which become papery at maturity.
Seed is protected by a hard seed coat which must be broken (either by nicking, abrading, or soaking briefly in near-boiling water) before it will germinate. Germinates readily after treatment. May also grow from cuttings.
July to October. Some flowers may appear as early as June and persist as late as November.
Willans Hill, Pomingalarna, Red Hill, Mates Gully TSR, Mundarlo Rd, Keajura Rd, Holbrook Rd near Gelston Park, Millwood Rd.

Based on the flora of the Graham Centre Biodiversity Nursery