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Two upright, tuber-forming herbs. Up to 12 grass-like leaves are produced at the base of the plant. These are linear and regularly exceed 25 cm in length. Leaves tend to wither prioir to the onset of flowering. Flower spikes occasionally reach 1 m in height, though 20-50 cm is more usual. Large pink or purple (rarely white) flowers are produced along the stem, either singly (Dichopogon strictus) or in clusters of 2-9 (D. fimbriatus). Ambiguous plants, possessing both single and paired flowers, have been observed locally. Flowers usually smell strongly of chocolate. The fruit is spherical and contains many dark, angular seeds.
Germinates well without pre-treatment, though may take several weeks. Also by division.
Dichopogon spp. may flower from August to February, though late spring to early summer is usual.
Common in well-preserved grassland and open woodland. Also in lightly grazed pasture. Matong SF, Kockibitoo SF, Currawananna SF, Willans Hill, Mates Gully TSR, Mundarlo Rd, The Rock NR and TSR, Livingstone NP and SCA, etc.

Based on the flora of the Graham Centre Biodiversity Nursery